Blogger Templates

Monday, April 8

Global Peace and Inner Peace from Rough Math Calculations


Sunday, April 7



Stay Home. So Energetic Solar Eclipse Tomorrow at Pisces::💫



Friday, April 5

FREE AI Tools and Platforms for Using AI and Microsoft Powerpoint

  1. Ludus - Free - AI-powered presentation creation tool
  2. Emaze - Free - AI-driven presentation software
  3. Beautiful.AI - Free - AI-powered presentation builder
  4. Visme - Free - AI-infused presentation maker
  5. Slidebean - Free - AI-driven presentation platform
  6. Zoho Show - Free - AI-enhanced presentation software
  7. Prezi - Free - AI-enabled presentation creation tool
  8. Haiku Deck - Free - AI-driven presentation builder
  9. Powtoon - Free - AI-infused presentation maker
  10. SlideCamp - Free - AI-driven presentation platform
  11. ClearSlide - Free - AI-enhanced presentation software
  12. Slidedog - Free - AI-enabled presentation creation tool
  13. Pitcherific - Free - AI-driven presentation builder
  14. Sway - Free - AI-infused presentation maker by Microsoft
  15. Swipe - Free - AI-driven presentation platform
  16. FlowVella - Free - AI-enhanced presentation software
  17. Bunkr - Free - AI-enabled presentation creation tool
  18. Slides - Free - AI-driven presentation builder
  19. Deckset - Free - AI-infused presentation maker
  20. Focusky - Free - AI-driven presentation platform


List of 100 PAID AI tools and Platforms other than CHAT GPT

 1. DataMind - Paid - Data analysis and insights

2. IntelliAI - Paid - Artificial intelligence development

3. NeuralNetPro - Paid - Neural network optimization

4. DeepThinker - Paid - Deep learning algorithms

5. InsightIQ - Paid - Business intelligence and analytics

6. SmartSolve - Paid - Problem-solving automation

7. AIzen - Paid - Artificial intelligence solutions

8. BrainBoost - Paid - Cognitive enhancement tools

9. MindMatrix - Paid - Mind mapping and visualization

10. ThinkBot - Paid - Conversational AI chatbot

11. InsightBuddy - Paid - Personalized insights platform

12. AIvisor - Paid - AI consulting services

13. SynthiSense - Paid - Synthetic data generation

14. CogniCraft - Paid - Cognitive computing platform

15. IdeaForge - Paid - Idea generation and brainstorming

16. LogicLoom - Paid - Logic-based reasoning system

17. WiseMind - Paid - Mental health and wellness app

18. CogitoIQ - Paid - Cognitive assessment tool

19. DecisionDroid - Paid - Decision-making support system

20. AnalytixAI - Paid - Advanced analytics and data science

21. SmartSift - Paid - Data filtering and analysis

22. BrainWave - Paid - Brainwave monitoring and analysis

23. KnowBot - Paid - Knowledge management system

24. IntelliCortex - Paid - Intelligent automation platform

25. AIgenius - Paid - AI-driven insights and recommendations

26. ThinkTanker - Paid - Collaborative brainstorming platform

27. NeuralNexus - Paid - Neural network development toolkit

28. InsightfulAI - Paid - AI-powered business insights

29. MindCraft - Paid - Mindfulness and meditation app

30. CognoBot - Paid - Cognitive computing assistant

31. AIpro - Paid - AI project management tool

32. DataDynamo - Paid - Dynamic data analysis tool

33. IntelliGen - Paid - Intelligent data generation

34. ThinkSmart - Paid - Smart decision-making assistant

35. BrainWorks - Paid - Brain training and cognitive enhancement

36. IdeaScribe - Paid - Idea management and documentation

37. NeuralWave - Paid - Neural network visualization tool

38. AI-logic - Paid - AI logic programming platform

39. SmartSage - Paid - Smart assistant for personal productivity

40. ThinkMachine - Paid - Machine learning algorithm development

41. InsightInfer - Paid - Inferential statistical analysis

42. BrainyBeam - Paid - Brainwave entrainment app

43. MindBlaze - Paid - Mental agility training program

44. AIpulse - Paid - AI-driven trend analysis

45. CogniThink - Paid - Cognitive computing framework

46. InsightIQ - Paid - Business intelligence and analytics

47. DataSense - Paid - Data quality management tool

48. IntelliSight - Paid - Intelligent data visualization

49. IdeaSynth - Paid - Idea generation and synthesis

50. BrainyBridge - Paid - Cognitive skills development platform

51. NeuralNest - Paid - Neural network deployment platform

52. AIbrain - Paid - AI-powered brain-computer interface

53. ThinkTech - Paid - Technology innovation consultancy

54. Insightia - Paid - Insightful data analysis platform

55. MindMeld - Paid - Mental health and wellness app

56. CognoSight - Paid - Cognitive assessment and diagnosis tool

57. BrainBoost - Paid - Cognitive enhancement tools

58. IntelliLogic - Paid - Intelligent decision-making platform

59. IdeaIntelli - Paid - AI-driven idea generation

60. AIInsight - Paid - AI-driven insights platform

61. SynapseSavvy - Paid - Synaptic plasticity enhancement

62. DataDriven - Paid - Data-driven decision-making platform

63. IntelliVision - Paid - Intelligent computer vision system

64. ThinkTank - Paid - Collaborative brainstorming platform

65. NeuralNetIQ - Paid - Neural network intelligence assessment

66. InsightIntel - Paid - Business intelligence and analytics

67. BrainBot - Paid - Brain-computer interface assistant

68. AIvision - Paid - AI-powered visual recognition system

69. CognoGenius - Paid - Cognitive computing genius assistant

70. IdeaInnovate - Paid - Idea innovation and development

71. MindMatrix - Paid - Mind mapping and visualization

72. SynthiSense - Paid - Synthetic data generation

73. DataDecipher - Paid - Data analysis and interpretation

74. IntelliMind - Paid - Intelligent mind augmentation

75. ThinkTanker - Paid - Collaborative brainstorming platform

76. NeuralNugget - Paid - Neural network insights tool

77. BrainByte - Paid - Cognitive computing platform

78. AIcumen - Paid - AI-driven business acumen

79. InsightIQ - Paid - Business intelligence and analytics

80. CogniCraft - Paid - Cognitive computing platform

81. IdeaForge - Paid - Idea generation and brainstorming

82. LogicLoom - Paid - Logic-based reasoning system

83. WiseMind - Paid - Mental health and wellness app

84. CogitoIQ - Paid - Cognitive assessment tool

85. DecisionDroid - Paid - Decision-making support system

86. AnalytixAI - Paid - Advanced analytics and data science

87. SmartSift - Paid - Data filtering and analysis

88. BrainWave - Paid - Brainwave monitoring and analysis

89. KnowBot - Paid - Knowledge management system

90. IntelliCortex - Paid - Intelligent automation platform

91. AIgenius - Paid - AI-driven insights and recommendations

92. ThinkTanker - Paid - Collaborative brainstorming platform

93. NeuralNexus - Paid - Neural network development toolkit

94. InsightfulAI - Paid - AI-powered business insights

95. MindCraft - Paid - Mindfulness and meditation app

96. CognoBot - Paid - Cognitive computing assistant

97. AIpro - Paid - AI project management tool

98. DataDynamo - Paid - Dynamic data analysis tool

99. IntelliGen - Paid - Intelligent data generation

100. ThinkSmart - Paid - Smart decision-making assistant

List of 100 FREE AI tools and Platforms other than CHAT GPT

1. OpenAI GPT-3 Playground - Free - Natural language processing and generation

2. TensorFlow Playground - Free - Deep learning experimentation

3. Scikit-learn - Free - Machine learning algorithms and tools

4. Keras - Free - Neural network library

5. PyTorch - Free - Deep learning framework

6. Google Colab - Free - Cloud-based Jupyter notebook environment

7. Apache Mahout - Free - Scalable machine learning algorithms

8. IBM Watson Studio - Free - AI model development and deployment

9. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio - Free - Cloud-based machine learning platform

10. RapidMiner - Free - Data science platform for analytics, modeling, and visualization

11. - Free - Open-source machine learning platform

12. Weka - Free - Data mining and machine learning software

13. Orange - Free - Data visualization and analysis tool

14. Dlib - Free - Machine learning toolkit

15. Apache MXNet - Free - Deep learning framework

16. Caffe - Free - Deep learning framework

17. Theano - Free - Deep learning library

18. Accord.NET - Free - Machine learning framework

19. MLflow - Free - Open-source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle

20. Ludwig - Free - Deep learning model development platform

21. DataRobot - Free - Automated machine learning platform

22. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) - Free - Deep learning framework

23. SpaCy - Free - Natural language processing library

24. TensorFlow.js - Free - Machine learning library for JavaScript

25. AllenNLP - Free - Natural language processing library

26. FastAI - Free - Deep learning library

27. Gensim - Free - Topic modeling and document similarity analysis

28. Kaldi - Free - Speech recognition toolkit

29. NLTK - Free - Natural language processing library

30. Rasa - Free - Open-source conversational AI platform

31. Apache OpenNLP - Free - Natural language processing toolkit

32. Prophet - Free - Time series forecasting tool

33. AllenAI - Free - AI research and development tools

34. RStudio - Free - Integrated development environment for R programming

35. Jupyter - Free - Interactive computing environment

36. Anaconda - Free - Python distribution for data science and machine learning

37. Pandas - Free - Data manipulation and analysis library

38. NumPy - Free - Numerical computing library for Python

39. Matplotlib - Free - Data visualization library

40. Seaborn - Free - Statistical data visualization library

41. Plotly - Free - Interactive data visualization library

42. Bokeh - Free - Interactive data visualization library

43. Scrapy - Free - Web crawling and scraping framework

44. TensorFlow Lite - Free - Machine learning framework for mobile and embedded devices

45. ONNX - Free - Open Neural Network Exchange format for interoperability between deep learning frameworks

46. DeepAI - Free - Online AI models and APIs

47. AIMultiple - Free - AI research and analysis platform

48. ModelDepot - Free - Repository of pre-trained machine learning models

49. DVC - Free - Version control system for data science projects

50. - Free - Machine learning experiment tracking platform

51. Apache Singa - Free - Deep learning platform

52. Apache Flink - Free - Stream processing framework with ML capabilities

53. Apache Spark MLlib - Free - Machine learning library for Apache Spark

54. CNTK - Free - Computational Network Toolkit for deep learning

55. Dask-ML - Free - Scalable machine learning library for parallel computing

56. JupyterLab - Free - Interactive development environment for Jupyter notebooks

57. AWS Deep Learning AMIs - Free - Amazon Machine Images with deep learning frameworks pre-installed

58. GPT-3 Explorer - Free - Online tool for exploring GPT-3 capabilities

59. ImageAI - Free - Python library for image recognition tasks

60. TensorFlow Hub - Free - Repository of reusable machine learning modules

61. Model Zoo - Free - Collection of pre-trained models for various tasks

62. ONNX.js - Free - JavaScript library for running ONNX models in the browser

63. ML.NET - Free - Machine learning framework for .NET developers

64. Seldon Core - Free - Machine learning deployment framework for Kubernetes

65. Ludwig - Free - Deep learning model development platform

66. MLflow - Free - Open-source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle

67. BigDL - Free - Distributed deep learning library for Apache Spark

68. DeepDetect - Free - Open-source deep learning server and API

69. AI Fairness 360 - Free - Toolkit for detecting and mitigating biases in machine learning models

70. BERT-as-a-service - Free - Online service for using BERT models for NLP tasks

71. ParlAI - Free - Framework for training and evaluating dialogue AI models

72. AllenNLP - Free - Natural language processing library

73. GloVe - Free - Global Vectors for Word Representation pre-trained word vectors

74. OpenNMT - Free - Open-source neural machine translation system

75. Fairseq - Free - Facebook's sequence-to-sequence modeling toolkit

76. Hugging Face Transformers - Free - Library for natural language understanding using transformer models

77. TorchServe - Free - Model serving library for PyTorch models

78. Polyaxon - Free - Open-source platform for building, training, and deploying machine learning models

79. Clipper - Free - Model deployment and serving system for machine learning

80. Prophet - Free - Time series forecasting tool

81. Luminoth - Free - Computer vision toolkit based on TensorFlow

82. AutoKeras - Free - Automated machine learning library

83. Determined AI - Free - Deep learning training platform

84. Spell - Free - Platform for training and deploying machine learning models

85. Ray - Free - Distributed computing framework for reinforcement learning and hyperparameter tuning

86. MLflow - Free - Open-source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle

87. DataRobot Community - Free - Automated machine learning platform

88. Optuna - Free - Hyperparameter optimization framework

89. Ludwig - Free - Deep learning model development platform

90. Weights & Biases - Free - Experiment tracking and visualization platform for machine learning

91. UMAP - Free - Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for dimensionality reduction

92. Scikit-optimize - Free - Bayesian optimization library

93. Prophet - Free - Time series forecasting tool

94. Ludwig - Free - Deep learning model development platform

95. Prophet - Free - Time series forecasting tool

96. OpenAI Gym - Free - Toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms

97. RLlib - Free - Reinforcement learning library for scalable reinforcement learning

98. Baselines - Free - Reinforcement learning baselines for OpenAI Gym

99. Dopamine - Free - Framework for fast prototyping of reinforcement learning algorithms

100. ParlAI - Free - Framework for training and evaluating dialogue AI models

Friday, January 26

Indian Reunification 2070 Begins

Indian Reunification 2070 Begins: ' வடவேங்கடம் தென்குமரி ஆயிடைத் தமிழ்கூறு நல்லுலகம் ' - பனம்பாரனார், தொல்காப்பியம், அகண்டபாரதம், 600 BC. #Bharatham = #India + #Sindhu + #Balochistan + #Punjab + #Ceylon + #Angadesh + #Kandhar + #Tsang + #Burma #Greater_India #Ahanda_Bharatham

The World is shifting East !

 Everyone Laughed at me,

When I said this 7 Years ago..🤣