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Tuesday, May 8

Glass Beach: where nature has turned pollution into beauty

Waves on Russia's Pacific shoreline crafted old bottles, porcelain and tiles into a sparkling tourist attraction.

Nature has correct man's mistake, and stamped its own imprint. Picture: Anna Pozharskaya
On a sunny day, the beach on Ussuri Bay - in Primorsky region - seems to be covered with lighted candles. In the past, it was used as a dump for truckloads of unwanted glass bottles and waste from a local porcelain factory, or so the story goes. 
But nature has correct man's mistake, and stamped its own imprint.

Glass Bay

Glass Bay

Glass Bay

In the past, it was used as a dump for truckloads of unwanted glass bottles and waste from a local porcelain factory, or so the story goes. Pictures: The Siberian Times, Anna Pozharskaya, @ula1673, grunja.blogspot
Years of erosion has broken, then rounded and polished the glass, giving the beach a distinctive quality, to the extent that people pay a small fee to come here and enjoy the sight. 
Tourists are amazed by shining shore, clean water and splendid view on the Ussuri Bay. Known in Russian as Steklyashka, the beach is perhaps at its most stunning in winter when the snow highlights the vivid colours of the glass. 
Glass Bay
Glass Bay
Glass Bay
Glass Bay
Tourists are amazed by shining shore, clean water and splendid view on the Ussuri Bay. Pictures: @yuliya_savkina, RGO, @dumbrava_regina
The summer the colours on the kaleidoscope  mosaic gleam against the black volcanic sand. 
The backdrop is also stunning: the bay is surrounded by impressive cliffs, making a stunning contrast to the bustle of nearby city Vladivostok, just 30 minutes drive away.