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Tuesday, March 31

Ring of Fire - A Special Astronomical Event 21, Jun, 2020 SOLAR ECLIPSE & 6-PLANETS INLINE TO EARTH

Ring of Fire - A Special Astronomical Event


­­Dear all,

This is definitely the worst news... Again something EVIL is going to happen... In continuation to the incident of rare phenomenal eclipse on 26-December-2019, I have been waiting for the counter-reaction of the past action happened months before in Kalachakra [take a look my previous incident].

Yes, Our Earth is again getting struck in line with Sun, Mercury, Venus, Rahu & Ketu (North & South Spatial Plane Nodes). Mars is at a exception this time.

Never mind if you are a Theist, an Atheist, a Scientist or an Egoist... Whomever you may be!! You ARE obedient to the divine laws of nature. Do your maths, calculation, research and analysis; Extreme power and Intense loss (Bad Fire and Lack of Water) are going to be impacted in the Kalachakra (Space-Time Continuum) again but this time with an added evil spice of Kala-Sarpa-Dosha (Imbalance of Space-Time and Magnetic Nodes) with Earth’s Frame of Reference.

I made calculations from Madurai as reference, to predict when the event happen to its worst is on 21.06.2020 Early Morning. I may be correct or wrong, but I have shared from my knowledge and experiences. This is not to make panic, but to prepare. As always prevention is better than cure.

These predictions are about to occur within a tolerance of +/- 30-days and it takes at least 5-years and up to 10-years to recover from the aftermath of this event completely. This will be BEST documented in history of mankind. The event involves multiple sufferings due to Extreme Natural Calamities, Angry Skies, Draught, Famine, Economic recession, Loss of Blood, Duties and Happiness, Crimes, Fight for Money, Revolution, and War within ALL countries in this order. I can be specific with the impact as 4 planets [Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury] gets juiced-up and are in retrograde (x2 power) with Earth’s relative Motion, Sun and Moon dominate the event by joining the Rahu (North Spatial Plane Node) leads to Out of control in Mind and ill willed Spirits. This is a Grand Levelling for all people Rich, Poor, Ruler, and Public all will suffer with no partiality.

As a human, it’s my divine duty to share my concern with my loved ones. Take your leave, give up anything not in your control as of now, like Work, businesses, contracts, Travel, Pilgrimage, and then spend this time with your family. Good or bad don’t get left behind.

Your governments, your corporations, your banks, your media friends wont inform you about this. But whole world is waiting for this, for a WORLD WAR. Be responsible; Prioritise your Life and Take stockpiles of Food, lots of cash, jewels, nears and dears and most valuable relations. Don’t Leave Home or Homeland at any cost. Though it seems impractical you have to face the problem with full of an iron heart.

We are in the End Game Now..!

Advanced Happy Tamil / Lunar New Year to All.
With Love & Gratitude...
RAMALINGAM KB [30.03.2020]

Friday, January 10

The ‘Wolf Moon Eclipse’ 2020

Lunar eclipse 2020: The first celestial event of 2020- the penumbral lunar eclipse will occur tonight at 10.37 pm. The penumbral lunar eclipse will last for more than an hour. The lunar eclipse or 'Chandra Grahan' will end at around 2:42 am of January 11.

Friends, it's a Special astrological combination today. Whatever you think this 4hours will happen... Mark My words..

Look how all planets are aspecting Moon and see how much ishta-bala moon has got!!! WAOW