Blogger Templates

Tuesday, February 11


Astronautics Propulsion Flight Stability and Control
Calculate Trajectory of Space Vehicle Calculate Power Available of Internal Combustion Engine Calculate Moment about the Center of Gravity (CG)
Calculate Period of Revolution Calculate Mean Effective Pressure of Internal Combustion Engine Calculate Moment about Aerodynamic Center
Calculate Orbital and Escape Velocity Calculate Thrust of Rocket Engine at Standard Altitude Calculate location of Aerodynamic Center and Value of Cmac
Calculate Altitude Maximum Deceleration, Value, Velocity at Impact Calculate Pressure in the Combustion Chamber of a Rocket Engine Calculate Longitudinal Static Stability of Airplane
Calculate Aerodynamic Heating Rate for Re-entry Vehicle Calculate Thrust of a Turbojet Engine Calculate Cmcg of Airplane
  Calculate Static Thrust of a Turbojet Engine Calculate Neutral Point of Airplane

Aircraft Structure

Calculate Gas Temperature at Exit of Turbojet Engine Calculate Static Margin of Airplane
Calculate Elongation Under Load Calculate Inlet Area of Ramjet Engine Calculate Elevator Deflection Angle to Trim the Airplane
Find if a Permanent Set Would Occur Calculate Burnout Velocity of Single Stage Rocket  
  Calculate Burnout Velocity of Double Stage Rocket  
  Calculate Ratio of Initial Mass to Final Mass of a Rocket  


Airplane Performance

Airfoils and Wings

Standard Atmosphere

Calculate Thrust for Single Engine Propeller Driven Airplane Calculate Lift about the quarter chord point per unit span Calculate Standard Atmosphere Table
Calculate Maximum Velocity for Single Engine Propeller Driven Airplane Calculate Drag about the quarter chord point per unit span Calculate Geopotential Altitude
Calculate Thrust for Jet Powered Aircraft Calculate Moment about the quarter chord point per unit span Calculate Pressure Altitude
Calculate Maximum Velocity for Jet Powered Aircraft Calculate Pressure Coefficient at a Point on Wing and Airfoil Calculate Density Altitude
Calculate Powered Required for Single Engine Propeller Driven Airplane Calculate Induced Drag Coefficient and Induced Drag Calculate Temperature Altitude
Calculate Rate of Climb for Propeller Driven Airplane Calculate Total Drag Calculate Value of g at Altitude
Calculate Power Required For Jet Powered Aircraft Calculate Cl and Cd  
Calculate Rate of Climb for Jet Powered Aircraft Calculate Lift Coefficient for Airplane  



Calculate Continuity Equation for Incompressible Flow Calculate Airflow Velocity in Test Section of Subsonic Wind Tunnel Calculate Velocity at a point on an Airfoil
Calculate Continuity Equation for Compressible Flow Calculate True Velocity of an Airplane Calculate Mach Number
Calculate Bernoulli's Equation Calculate Equivalent Airspeed of an Airplane Calculate Mach Number of Flow at Nozzle
Calculate Pressure at Exit of Convergent Duct Calculate Reservoir Pressure for Supersonic Wind Tunnel Calculate Mach Number of Flow at Exit
Isentropic Flow Calculations Calculate Temperature Area Ratio for Supersonic Wind Tunnel Calculate True Airspeed
Calculate Velocity at Throat of Supersonic Wind Tunnel Calculate Pressure at Stagnation Point Calculate Calibrated Airspeed
Calculate Velocity at Exit of Supersonic Wind Tunnel Calculate Temperature at Stagnation Point Calculate Pressure Measured by Pitot Tube
Calculate Area at Throat and Exit of Supersonic Wind Tunnel Calculate Density at Stagnation Point Calculate Boundary Layer Thickness at Trailing Edge
Calculate Local Shear Stress in Laminar Flow Direction Calculate Mass Flow through the Nozzle Calculate Drag force on Plate
Calculate Local Shear Stress in Turbulent Flow Direction    


Aerospace Fundamentals
Calculate Equation of State Parameters Calculate Mass in Slugs and Pound-Mass lbm Calculate Maximum Load a Balloon can carry
Calculate Density Calculate Specific Volume Calculate Rate of Change of Pressure at Instant
Calculate Aerodynamic Force on Flat Surface Calculate Aerodynamic Force on Thin Delta Wing Calculate Internal Energy of Gas

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