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Sunday, September 1


Research reports, Vehicle data, Programming and Mathematics


Ø  A Mathematicians Lament.pdf

Ø  A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, 1915.pdf

Ø  Adaptive Quadrature Revisited, Gander.pdf

Ø  Aerodynamics/

Ø  Aerospace Databus General Knowledge.doc

Ø  Aerospace Simulation/

Ø  Aerospace Spelling Reference.doc

Ø  Aerothermodynamics/

Ø  Air Data Systems/

Ø  Aircraft Performance/

Ø  Aircraft Stability and Control/

Ø  Airplane Design/

Ø  ANOVA-2fact 4lev 3rep.xls

Ø  Apple MacOS X History Chart.png

Ø  Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima, 1946.pdf

Ø  Basic Primer on Setting Up an Amateur Radio Telescope, Bates.pdf

Ø  Basic Tools 1, Matrix Algebra, Glaese.pdf

Ø  Basic Tools 2, Vectors and Dyadics, Glaese.pdf

Ø  Boolean Algebraic Relationships.rtf

Ø  Build a High Power Pocket Microscope.pdf

Ø  Business Jets/

Ø  Calibrated and True Airspeed Relationship Derivation.pdf

Ø  Concepts/

Ø  Descriptive statistics.xls

Ø  DIY Satellite for Dummiers, 2009.pdf

Ø  Ejectors Have Wide Range of Uses, Berkeley.pdf

Ø  Electrical Power/

Ø  Evaluation of Mitigation Procedures for Small LOX Spills in Medical Facilities.pdf

Ø  Fighters/

Ø  Fit a Circle Through 3 Points.xls

Ø  Flexible Flaps for Separation Control (Covert Flaps).pdf

Ø  Flight Controls/

Ø  Formulae for Vector Algebra and Calculus.pdf

Ø  Fractal Antennas.pdf

Ø  Graphics/

Ø  History/

Ø  Homebuilt Propeller Driven/

Ø  Human Engineering/

Ø  Hydrodynamics/

Ø  Intro to OO Concepts using Fortran90.pdf

Ø  Java/

Ø  Jet Transports/

Ø  Joe's Excel

Ø  Joe's Math Reference Sheets.pdf

Ø  Joe's Programming Guidelines.pdf

Ø  Kinematics of Machines.pdf

Ø  Launch Vehicles and Missiles/

Ø  Linear Regression - ANOVA.xls

Ø  Manual Making of a Parabolic Solar Collector.pdf

Ø  Mass Properties/

Ø  Materials/

Ø  Mathematics Calculations Excel Spreadsheets with Macros/

Ø  Matlab-Octave/

Ø  Memorials to Gerard K. O'Neill.txt

Ø  MIL-D-19326H, Design and Installation of LOX Systems in Aircraft.pdf

Ø  MIL-HDBK-221, Aircraft Fire Protection.pdf

Ø  Military Bomber-Transport/

Ø  Military Trainers/

Ø  Misc/

Ø  MultipleRegression-2factors.xls

Ø  MultipleRegression-4factors.xls

Ø  NACA-TN-3273, Characteristics of Steam.pdf

Ø  NACA-TN-331, Rate of Heat Transfer from Metal Cooling Fins.pdf

Ø  NACA-TN-4143, Dev. of Piston-Compressor Type Light-Gas Gun for Launching Models at High Velocity.pdf

Ø  NACA-TR-280, Gaseous Explosive Reaction Effect of Inert Gases.pdf

Ø  NAS 809, Aircraft Seats and Berths Specification.pdf

Ø  NAS-03-009, Developing an Open Source Option for NASA Software, 2003.pdf

Ø  NASA CR-4688 A Genetic Search Technique for Identification of Aircraft Departures.pdf

Ø  NASA Probabilistic Risk Assessement Guide, V1.1, 2002.pdf

Ø  NASA TM-X-64624, MSFC 14x14 Inch Trisonic Wind Tunnel Technical Handbook.pdf

Ø  NASA TN D-7397, A Smoothing Algorithm Using Cubic Spline Functions.pdf

Ø  NASA-NSS-1740.15, Safety Standard for Oxygen and Oxygen Systems.pdf

Ø  NASA-SP-2000-4522, Flight Research-Problems Encountered and What They Should Teach Us.pdf

Ø  NASA-SS-1740, Safety Standards for Explosives, Propellants, and Pyrotechnics.pdf

Ø  NASA-TM-110172, Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Devleopment and Qualificationpdf.pdf

Ø  NASA-TM-1998-206566, Overview of Experimental Demonstration Aerotow Program.pdf

Ø  NASA-TP-207194, Probability and Statistics in Aerospace Engineering.pdf

Ø  Neural Networks/

Ø  NormalDist from 2 data pts.xls

Ø  NormalDistribution estimate.xls

Ø  Nozzle Design for Coherent Water Jet Production.pdf

Ø  Numerical Algorithms/

Ø  Personal Computer Market History.jpeg

Ø  Pi and Decimal Value to 100000 Digits.pdf

Ø  Propulsion/

Ø  PythonScript Language Overview.ppt

Ø  Quaternions A Brief Exposition, Rev2, Glaese.doc

Ø  Quaternions A Brief Exposition, Rev2, Glaese.pdf

Ø  Quaternions, Shoemake.pdf

Ø  Regional Turbo-Props/

Ø  Representing Attitude, Diebel, 2006.pdf

Ø  Rotorcraft/

Ø  Rotorcraft/

Ø  Safe Handling of Cryogenic Fluids.pdf

Ø  Shelters, Shacks & Shanties, 1914.pdf

Ø  Shoemake, Euler Angle Conversion, Graphic's Gems IV.pdf

Ø  Shortest Distance Between 2 Lines.rtf

Ø  Single Engine Propeller Driven/

Ø  Slosh/

Ø  Solution to a*cos(th) + b*sin(th) = c.pdf

Ø  Sonic Boom/

Ø  Space/

Ø  Spacecraft/

Ø  Stealth Technology in Aircraft.pdf

Ø  Structures/

Ø  Suborbital Spaceplanes/

Ø  Super-Ellipse Geometry.xls

Ø  Supersonic Cruise/

Ø  Systems Engineering/

Ø  TeX/

Ø  The Boy Mechanic Vol-1-700-Things for Boys to Do.pdf

Ø  The Boy Mechanic Vol-2-1000-Things for Boys to Do.pdf

Ø  The Boy Mechanic Vol-3-800-Things for Boys to Do.pdf

Ø  The Inventions Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla, 1894.pdf

Ø  Thermal Protection Systems (TPS)/

Ø  Twin Engine Propeller Driven/

Ø  Two-way ANOVA-No Repl.xls

Ø  U.S. Army Rigging Techniques, Procedures, and Applications, FM-5-125, 1995.pdf

Ø  United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992, DOE-NV--209-REV15, 2000.pdf

Ø  UNIX Quick Reference Card.pdf

Ø  USS Bairoko CVE-115/

Ø  Vehicle Design, Hathaway.pdf

Ø  Vi Reference Card.pdf

Ø  War Is A Racket, Butler.pdf

Ø  Warp Drive Underwater using Supercavitation.pdf

Ø  Waveriders/

Ø  X-Vehicles/

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