Blogger Templates

Tuesday, November 28

Why China won't have supremacy over Indian ocean; Cause The Kingmaker is here !!

#Diego-Garcia Largest US Naval Base on BIOT

Monday, November 20

Makes us laugh when the Chinese learned to play Kites; @40.458779 N, 93.313129 E

Chinese Military planes calibration center. Lol Can't you do that in the hanger? Come on man!

Top Secret Installation of Extreme High Frequency (EHF) Antenna approx. range: 30GHz to 300GHz

Functions and Roles: Unknown
Purpose: Deep Space Communications, Weapons of Mass e-Jamming
Countries Involved: Russia and India
Frequency Range: 30GHz to 300GHz
Type: EHF Antenna
Design: Underground Multi-phased-array Antenna
Agencies Involved: HAL, DRDO, ADA, ISRO, IAF