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Sunday, August 27

Fighter e-books - for home use only

(Ebook - Martial Arts) 27... 
(Ebook - Martial Arts)... 
(ebook - pdf) - Military... 
(ebook - survival) - How... 
(Ebook - Survival) - How... 
(Ebook Martial Arts)... 
(ebook Martial-Arts)... 
(ebook pdf) US ARMY Map... 
(eBook) (Survival)... 
(eBook) (Survival) Make... 
(eBook) (Survival) Water... 
(Ebook) - Field Manual -... 
(Ebook) - Field Manual -... 
(Ebook) - Field Manual -... 
(Ebook) - Field Manual -... 
(Ebook) - Field Manual -... 
(Ebook) - Field Manual -... 
(Ebook) - Field Manual -... 
(EBook) - Martial Arts -... 
(ebook) - Military -... 
(eBook) - Nuclear... 
(ebook) - Survival - How... 
(Ebook) - Survival -... 
(ebook) - Survival -... 
(ebook) - Survival -... 
(Ebook) - Survival -... 
(ebook) - US ARMY FM ... 
(EBooK) - US ARMY FM... 
(Ebook) Paladin Press-US... 
(eBook) Sword Fighting -... 
(ebook-txt) How to Live... 
(FEMA.Emergency. Disaster.... 
(survival - text) - How... 
(survival - text) - How... 
(survival - text) -... 
(survival - text) -... 
(survival - text) -... 
Al Qaeda Terrorist Manual.pdf 
Anarchists Cookbook ebook... 
Armas Improvisadas Parte... 
Armas Improvisadas Parte... 
Combat Survival Guerrila... 
ebook - Hit Man - Written... 
Ebook - How to Look-Up... 
Ebook - How To Make... 
eBook - Martial Arts -... 
Ebook - Military - Mega... 
EBook - PDF - US Navy... 
Ebook - Photoreading... 
Ebook - Underworld... 
Ebook - Us Navy Seal... 
Encyclopedia of Modern US... 
Firearms - Combat... 
Fm-Field Manuals Us-Army... 
Hilfe Gps Bluetooth,... 
Military - US Army Ranger... 
Military Training E-Books.txt 
Military Us Army Fm 3 22... 
Never Say Die Canadian... 
Parts Kit And Survival... 
Survival - 60 Uses of... 
Survival - Cooking -... 
Survival - Drying Food.pdf 
Survival - Emergency... 
Survival - First Aid for... 
Survival - Homemade -... 
Survival - Homemade... 
Survival - Map And Compass.pdf 
Survival - Plants -... 
Survival - The Seven... 
Survival - Wilderness... 
Survival - Winter Time... 
survival text... 
Survival-Evasion &... 
The proper anarchists... 
US -Army - Knife... 
US Army - Combatives... 
US Army - Engineer Diving... 
Us Army - Field Manual... 
US Army - Mountaineering... 
Us Army - Navy Seal... 
US Army - Pistol Training... 
Us Army - Survival Field... 
US Army course -... 
US ARMY EN 5151 Engineer... 
US ARMY EN 5156 Engineer... 
US Army Engineer course -... 
us army explosives and... 
Us Army Fm 3-11.... 
Us Army Fm 3-22.... 
US ARMY FM 34-8-2 -... 
US ARMY FM 34-82 (Scout... 
US ARMY IS-0825 medical... 
US ARMY MD-0151 medical... 
US ARMY MD-0804 medical... 
US ARMY MM 2598 course -... 
US Army Operators Manual... 
US Army Special Forces... 
US ARMY UFC 3-440-01... 
US Marine Corps - MWTC... 
US Marine Corps -... 
US Marine Corps Sniper... 
US Navy Diving Manual.pdf 
[Combat Guerrila Survival... 
[Combat Survival Weapons... 
[Combat Survival Weapons... 
[Combat Survival Weapons... 
[Combat Survival Weapons... 
[Ebook - Electronics]... 
[ebook.pdf] [martial.... 
[EBOOK] How To Obtain FBI... 
[martial arts] (ebook... 
[Osprey] - [New Vanguard... 

Survival Manuals - for emergency procedures only

11 Steps to Survival - Canada Emergency Measurses Organization.pdf
Aids to Survival.pdf
Be Your Own Bodyguard - Peaceful Paths.pdf
Bushcraft (Canadian Scout Manual) - PO 403.pdf
Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trapping.pdf
Captain Dave's Survival Guide.pdf
Citizen's Homeland Defense Guide I - The Art of Survival.pdf
Citizen's Homeland Defense Guide II - The Art of Survival.pdf
Civil Preparedness Guide - FEMA 1-10.pdf
Combat Survival and Evasion.pdf
Common Sense Guide to Being Prepared - Time Magazine.pdf
Dangerous Plants and Animals/
Disinfecting After the Flood.doc
Don't Leave Home Without Your Brain.txt
Essential Underground Handbook (P M L Publishing).pdf
Extension Agent's Handbook for Emergency Preparation and Response.doc
Fieldcraft - B-GL-392-009-FP-001.pdf
Food and Water/
How to Prepare for Any Disaster.pdf
Injurious Plants GTA 08-05-055.pdf
Mormon Emergency Preperation.pdf
National Security Emergencies.pdf
Out-of-Home Defense.txt
Pioneering Knots and Lashings.pdf
Providence Cooperative Survival FAQ - Threat Analysis.txt
Risks & hazards - A State by State Guide - FEMA196.pdf
Special Forces Caching Techniques - TC 31-29A.pdf
Summaries of Soviet Civil Defense Research Reports - FEMA RR-27.pdf
Survival - FM 21-76 Supplemental Photos and Diagrams/
Survival - MCRP 3-02F FM 21-76.pdf
Survival Evasion and Recovery - MCRP 3-02H.pdf
The Art and Science of Dumpster Diving - John Hoffman.pdf
The Modern Survival Retreat - A New and Vital Approach to Retreat Theory and Practice - Ragnar Benson - Paladin Press.pdf
The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook - Piven and Bordenicht.pdf
US Marine Corps MWTC Summer Survival Course Handbook - MSVX.02.01.pdf
Urban Survival - Douglas Bell.html
Wilderness Survival Techniques And Tips.pdf
You Will Survive Doomsday - Bruce Beach (file version 2).pdf
You Will Survive Doomsday - Bruce Beach.pdf

US Military Manuals - for emergency procedures only

ARTEP 7-10 Mission Training Plan for the Infantry Rifle Company.pdf
Antiarmor Weapons Subcourse IN0546.pdf
Combat in Built up Areas Subcourse IN0531.pdf
Counter Sniper Guide.pdf
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.pdf
FM 1-112 Attack Helicopter Operations.pdf
FM 3-0 Operations.pdf
FM 3-06.11 Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain.pdf
FM 3-06 Urban Operations.pdf
FM 3-6 Field Behavior of NBC Agents.pdf
FM 3-19.1 Military Police Operations.pdf
FM 3-19.13 Law Enforcement Investigations.pdf
FM 3-19.15 Civil Disturbance Operations.pdf
FM 3-19.17 Military Working Dogs.pdf
FM 3-19.30 Physical Security.pdf
FM 3-21.91 Tactical Employment of Antiarmor Platoons and Companies.pdf
FM 3-22.9 Rifle Marksmanship M16A1, M16A2-3, M16A4, and M4 Carbine.pdf
FM 3-22.31 40mm Grenade Launcher M203 February 2003 - version 2.pdf.pdf
FM 3-22.31 40mm Grenade Launcher M203 February 2003.pdf
FM 3-22.40 Tactical Employment of Nonlethal Weapons (2003).pdf
FM 3-22.68 Crew Served Machine Guns, 5.56-mm and 7.62-mm.pdf
FM 3-23-25 Light Anti-Armor Weapons.pdf
FM 3-23.30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals.pdf
FM 3-23.35 Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11.pdf
FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation.pdf
FM 3-25.150 Combatives.pdf
FM 3-34.2 Combined Arms Breaching Operations.pdf
FM 3-34.230 Topographic Operations.pdf
FM 3-90 Tactics (2001).pdf
FM 3-97.6 Mountain Operations.pdf
FM 4-0 Combat Service Support.pdf
FM 4-01.30 Movement Control.pdf
FM 4-02.1 Combat Health Logistics.pdf
FM 4-02.4 Medical Platoon Leaders' Handbook.pdf
FM 4-02.6 The Medical Company.pdf
FM 4-02.17 Preventive Medicine Services.pdf
FM 4-30.1 Munitions Distribution in the Theater of Operations.pdf
FM 4-30.13 Ammunition Handbook- Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Munitions Handlers.pdf
FM 5-25 Explosives and Demolitions 1967.pdf
FM 5-31 Booby Traps.pdf
FM 5-33 Terrain Analysis.pdf
FM 5-102 Countermobility.pdf
FM 5-103 Survivability.pdf
FM 5-104 General Engineering.pdf
FM 5-250 Explosives and Demolitions 1992.pdf
FM 6-02.72 Tactical Radios.pdf
FM 6-22.5 Combat Stress.pdf
FM 7-0 Training the Force.pdf
FM 7-1 Battle Focused Training.pdf
FM 7-8 Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad.pdf
FM 7-10 Infantry Rifle Company.pdf
FM 7-15 The Army Universal Task List.pdf
FM 7-20 The Infantry Battalion.pdf
FM 7-40 Scout Dog Training and Employment 1973.pdf
FM 7-85 Ranger Unit Operations.pdf
FM 7-98 Operations in a Low Intensity Conflict.pdf
FM 7-100 Opposing Force Doctrinal Framework and Strategy.pdf
FM 8-10-6 Medical Evacuation in a Theater of Operations.pdf
FM 8-42 Combat Health Support in Stability Operations and Support Operations.pdf
FM 8-51 Combat Stress Control in a Theater of Operations.pdf
FM 8-284 Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties.pdf
FM 9-6 Munitions Support in the Theater of Operations.pdf
FM 10-27 General Supply in the Theater of Operations.pdf
FM 11-32 Combat Net Radio Operations.pdf
FM 17-15 Tank Platoon.pdf
FM 17-98 Scout Platoon.pdf
FM 19-10 Military Police Law and Order Operations.pdf
FM 20-3 Camouflage, Concealment, and Decoys.pdf
FM 20-11 Military Diving.pdf
FM 20-32 Mine-Countermine Operations.pdf
FM 21-10 MCRP 4-11.1D Field Hygiene and Sanitation.pdf
FM 21-18 Foot Marches.pdf
FM 21-20 Physical Fitness Training.pdf
FM 21-60 Visual Signals.pdf
FM 21-75 Combat Skills of the Soldier.pdf
FM 21-75 Scouting, Patrolling, and Sniping 1944.pdf
FM 21-150 Combatives 1992.pdf
FM 21-150 Hand-to-Hand Combat (1954).pdf
FM 21-150 Hand to Hand Combat 1954.pdf
FM 21-150 Hand to Hand Combat 1971 (Deal the First Deadly Blow).pdf
FM 22-100 Army Leadership - Be, Know, Do.pdf
FM 23-10 Sniper Training.pdf
FM 23-23 Antipersonnel Mine M18A1 and M18 (Claymore).pdf
FM 23-65 Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50 HB, M2.pdf
FM 24-12 Communications in a 'Come as You Are' War.pdf
FM 24-18 Tactical Single Channel Radio Communications Techniques.pdf
FM 24-19 Radio Operator's Handbook.pdf
FM 25-4 How to Conduct Training Exercises.pdf
FM 25-5 Training for Mobilization and War.pdf
FM 27-10 The Law of Land Warfare.pdf
FM 31-20-5 Special Reconnaissance Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures For Special Forces.pdf
FM 31-20 Doctrine for Special Forces Operations.pdf
FM 31-21 Guerilla Warfare and Special Forces Operations.pdf
FM 31-70 Basic Cold Weather Manual.pdf
FM 31-71 Northern Operations.pdf
FM 34-2-1 Reconaissance and Surveillance and Intelligence Support to Counterreconaissance.pdf
FM 34-3 Intelligence Analysis.pdf
FM 34-8-2 Intelligence Officer's Handbook.pdf
FM 34-10 Division Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations.pdf
FM 34-37 Echelons Above Corps (EAC) Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW) Operations.pdf
FM 34-45 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Electronic Attack.pdf
FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation.pdf
FM 34-60 Counterintelligence.pdf
FM 34-80 Brigade and Battalion Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations.pdf
FM 34-81-1 Battlefield Weather Effects.pdf
FM 34-130 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield.pdf
FM 38-700 Packaging of Materiel - Preservation.pdf
FM 38-701 Packaging of Materiel - Packing.pdf
FM 44-8 Combined Arms for Air Defense.pdf
FM 44-80 Visual Aircraft Recognition.pdf
FM 90-3 Desert Operations - 24 August 1993.pdf
FM 90-5 Jungle Operations.pdf
FM 90-7 Combined Arms Obstacle Integration.pdf
FM 90-8 Counterguerilla Operations.pdf
FM 100-5 Operations.pdf
FM 100-7 Decisive Force.pdf
FM 100-11 Force Integration.pdf
FM 100-14 Risk Management.pdf
FM 100-15 Corps Operations.pdf
FM 100-63 Infantry-Based Opposing Force.pdf
FM 101-5 Staff Organization and Operations.pdf
FM 700-80 Logistics.pdf
FMFM 6-4 Marine Rifle Company.pdf
FMFM 6-19 Tactical Employment of Mortars.pdf
FMFRP 12-25 The Guerilla and How to Fight Him.pdf
FMFRP 12-40 Professional Knowledge Gained from Operational Experience in Vietnam, 1965-1966.pdf
FMFRP 12-41 Professional Knowledge Gained from Operational Experience in Vietnam, 1967.pdf
FMFRP 12-42 Professional Knowledge Gained From Operational Experience In Vietnam, 1968.pdf
FMFRP 12-80 Kill or Get Killed.pdf
Force Health Protection Nutrition and Exercise Manual.pdf
Historical Study - Night Combat.pdf
Ignore this.txt
MCDP 1-3 Tactics.pdf
MCDP 1 Warfighting.pdf
MCRP 2-24B Remote Sensor Operations.pdf
MCRP 2-25A Reconaissance Reports Guide.pdf
MCRP 3-0A Unit Training Management Guide.pdf
MCRP 3-0B How to Conduct Training.pdf
MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship.pdf
MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship.pdf
MCRP 3-02A Marine Physical Readiness Training for Combat.pdf
MCRP 3-02B Close Combat.pdf
MCRP 3-02C Marine Combat Water Survival.pdf
MCRP 3-02E Understanding and Surviving Terrorism.pdf
MCRP 3-02F FM 21-76 Survival.pdf
MCRP 3-02G First Aid.pdf
MCRP 3-02H Survival Evasion and Recovery.pdf
MCRP 3-11.1A Commanders Tactical Handbook.pdf
MCRP 3-11.2A Marine Troop Leaders Guide.pdf
MCRP 3-15.2A Mortars.pdf
MCRP 3-15.2B Mortar Gunnery.pdf
MCRP 3-17.2C Multiservice Procedures for Explosive Ordnance Disposal in a Joint Environment.pdf
MCRP 3-33A Counterguerilla Operations.pdf
MCRP 3-37.1A Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Vulnerability Assessment.pdf
MCRP 3-37.1B Potential Military Chemical Biological Agents and Compounds.pdf
MCRP 3-37.1C Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Biological Surveillance.pdf
MCRP 3-37.2C Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Aspects of Concequence Management.pdf
MCRP 3-37C Flame, Riot Contol Agents and Herbicide Ops..pdf
MCRP 4-11.1C Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties.pdf
MCRP 4-11.8A Marine Corps Field Feeding Program.pdf
MCRP 4-11.8B War Crimes Investigation.pdf
MCRP 4-11B Environmental Considerations in Military Operations.pdf
MCWP 2-6 Counterintelligence.pdf
MCWP 2-26 Geographic Intelligence.pdf
MCWP 3-1 Ground Combat Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-3.1.2 Mine Warfare.pdf
MCWP 3-11.2 Marine Rifle Squad.pdf
MCWP 3-11.3 Scouting and Patrolling.pdf
MCWP 3-11.4 Helicopterborne Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-12 Marine Corps Tank Employment.pdf
MCWP 3-15.1 Machine Guns and Machine Gunnery.pdf
MCWP 3-15.3 Sniping.pdf
MCWP 3-15.5 MAGTF Antiarmor Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-16.6 Supporting Arms Observer, Spotter and Controller.pdf
MCWP 3-16 Fire Support Coordination in The Ground Combat Element.pdf
MCWP 3-17.1 River Crossing Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-17.2 Explosive Ordnance Disposal.pdf
MCWP 3-17.3 MAGTF Breaching Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-33.2 Civil Disturbances.pdf
MCWP 3-33.5 Counterinsurgency Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-35.3 Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT).pdf
MCWP 3-35.4 Doctrine for Navy-Marine Corps Joint Riverine Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-35.6 Desert Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-37.2 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection.pdf
MCWP 3-37.3wch1 NBC Decontamination.pdf
MCWP 3-37.4 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance.pdf
MCWP 3-37 MAGTF, Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Defense Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-40.5 Electronic Warfare.pdf
MCWP 3-41.1 Rear Area Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-42.1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations.pdf
MCWP 3-43.1 Raid Operations.pdf
MCWP 4-1 Logistics Operations.pdf
MCWP 4-11.1 Health Service Support Operations.pdf
MCWP 4-11.3 Transportation Operations.pdf
MCWP 4-11 Tactical Level Logistics.pdf
P 381-11 Viet Cong Boobytraps.pdf
Performance Through Nutrition and Exercise.pdf
RPG-7 Antitank Grenade Launcher.pdf
Read me!.txt
SH 21-76 Ranger Handbook (2000).pdf
ST 2-22.7 Tactical Human Intelligence and Counterintelligence Operations.pdf
ST 2-50.4 Combat Commanders Handbook on Intelligence.pdf
ST 31-91B Special Forces Medical Handbook.pdf
STP 21-1-SMCT Skill Level 1.pdf
STP 21-24-SMCT Skill Level 2, 3, 4.pdf
Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 1.pdf
Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 2.pdf
Silencers - Principles and Evaluations.pdf
Small Unit Night Fighter Manual.pdf
Standards in Weapons Training (Special Operations Forces).pdf
TC 21-3 - Soldier's Handbook for Individual Operations and Survival in Cold-Weather Areas .pdf
TC 25-8 Training Ranges.pdf
TC 25-30 A Leaders Guide to Company Training Meetings.pdf
TC 31-29 Special Forces - Caching Techniques.pdf
TC 90-1 Training for Urban Operations.pdf
TM 3-1040-204-14 Flamethrower, Portable, M2A1-7.pdf
TM 31-200-1 Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques - References.PDF
TM 31-201-1 Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques - Incendiaries.pdf
TM 43-0001-28 Army Ammunition Data Sheets.pdf
TRADOC Pamphlet 600-4 Soldier's Handbook (Basic Initial Entry Training).pdf

US Army Special Operations Sniper Training and Employment.pdf
US Marine Corps - Hand to Hand Combat.pdf
US Marine Corps - MWTC Summer Survival Course Handbook.pdf
US Marine Corps - MWTC Winter Survival Course Handbook.pdf
US Navy SEAL Patrol Leaders Handbook.pdf
US Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide.pdf
US Navy SEAL Sniper Training Program.pdf
fm 21-76 - survival manual.pdf