Job Listing Sites
Listed below are job listing sites reviewed and recommended by Career Center staff [disclaimer]. These links are to external sites. For job listings specifically for Cal students, visit CalJobs - the official Career Center job listing site.
Searchable Databases and Metasites
- Craigslist
- Online community where you can find job and volunteer listings. Also provides links to Craigslists covering other major metropolitan areas.
- Indeed
- Searches multiple job websites for you and delivers relevant job postings utilizing your search criteria.
- Riley Guide
- The "Job Listings" page has links and descriptions of a great number of sites. Organized by location, industries, occupations, and special interests.
- Simply Hired
- Searches multiple job websites and delivers relevant job postings utilizing your search criteria. Interfaces with your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts to help you locate networking connections and jobs.
By Field
Architecture, Planning & Environmental Design
- AIA East Bay
- American Institute of Architects/East Bay Chapter Job Board includes job listings & resume posting service.
- AIA San Francisco
- American Institute of Architects/San Francisco Chapter Job Board includes job listings & resume posting service.
- American Planning Association Jobs
- Jobs/internships in planning and allied fields.
- ASLA Job Link
- American Society of Landscape Architects online job listings and resume posting service. Utilize Firm Finder to search for firms by speciality and geographic location.
- Craigslist Jobs
- San Francisco Bay Area online community where you can find jobs listed.
- Planning Jobs
- This site was created as a way to connect students with planning jobs. It is sponsored jointly by UC Berkeley's Department of City & Regional Planning and Center for Community Innovation.
Arts & Entertainment
- Actors' Equity Association
- The labor union representing over 40,000 American actors and stage managers working in the professional theatre. Provides job notices for actors and stage managers.
- American Association of Museums
- Searchable jobs database from the American Association of Museums website.
- Bay Area Video Coalition
- Jobs in Video and New Media.
- Creative Hotlist
- Includes job openings, companies, and resources for creative services, artists and designers.
- EntertainmentCareers.Net
- Entertainment job and internship listings.
- Mandy's International Film & TV Production Directory
- Film/TV production job vacancies searchable by skill and location (includes international opportunities).
- SGMA International
- Employment opportunities in sports and recreation-related businesses including manufacturers and marketers of sports apparel, athletic footwear and sporting goods equipment.
- TeamWork Online
- Job listings for a variety of teams and leagues including NBA, NHL, NFL and Major League Baseball Teams, Major League Soccer, and Arena Football.
- CareerBank
- Accounting and finance jobs, including some entry level. Lots of jobs in California.
- eFinancialCareers
- Banking and financial market jobs in a variety of industries in US and International locations. Some entry-level jobs posted, some requiring additional experience.
- Management Training & Leadership Development Programs
- Leadership development and management training programs at major employers nationwide.
- Features marketing and sales jobs nationwide.
- TalentZoo
- Marketing, advertising, and PR jobs for all levels of experience
- American Copy Editors Society (ACES)
- Copy editing jobs and internships via a Yahoo!Groups listserv.
- Bay Area Society of Television, Advertising and Radio
- Bay Area jobs and internships in advertising, media, radio, and television.
- Jobs within the book publishing industry.
- J-Jobs Database/Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
- Jobs sent to Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism, and links to related sites.
- TV, radio and newspaper jobs and internships.
- Jobs in magazine and book publishing, television, radio, newspapers, online media, social media, advertising, PR, marketing, corporate/technical writing, and design/art/photography.
- Academic360
- Meta-collection of Internet resources; includes links to 3025 faculty, staff, and administrative announcements.
- California Community College Job Listings
- A large scale database containing all open positions at California Community Colleges.
- Job listing site of choice for California school districts. Full range of education positions, both classified and certificated,administrator, counselor, librarian, others.
- UC Employment Opportunities
- Employment opportunities available throughout the UC System.
Engineering & Computer Science
- ACS Careers
- Connects students to jobs in the field of chemistry.
- AIAA Careers
- Connects students to jobs in the Aerospace industry.
- AIChE - CareerEngineer
- Lists current job openings, posted in Chemical Engineering Progress Magazine and on the AiChEWeb.
- AngelList
- Connects students to Startup jobs and information.
- ASA Job Board
- Lists current job openings for Statisticians.
- ASCE Jobs
- Lists current jobs for Civil Engineers.
- ASME Jobs Database
- Lists current jobs for Mechanical Engineers.
- BMES Job Board
- Lists current jobs in the Biomedical industry.
- Dice
- Information Technology (IT) job board with high tech permanent, contract and consulting jobs.
- Energy Vortex
- Lists jobs in the Energy engineering field.
- Engineering Central
- Lists many entry-level jobs for a wide range of engineering fields across the nation.
- Engineering Jobs in the Federal Government
- A place to search for jobs in the federal government.
- IEEE Jobs
- Lists current jobs in EE&CS.
- IIE Jobs
- Lists current jobs in Industrial Engineering.
- Connects students to positions in Materials and Metallurgy.
- Math Careers
- A comprehensive guide to all things related to careers in Mathematics.
- NEI Job Board
- Lists companies and articles related to nuclear engineering.
- E Jobs: Environmental Jobs and Careers
- Useful information on job listings nationwide.
- Hundreds of environmental jobs in various industries (user ID=berk, password=ucb).
- Green Dream Jobs
- Lists career and internship openings, links and resources.
- Green Jobs Network
- Searchable database of environmental and social responsibility positions throughout the US.
- GreenBiz JobLink
- Clearinghouse for jobs and resume posting.
- Job board focused specifically employment in renewable energy worldwide.
- Association of Bay Area Governments
- Job listings for local city and county government and special district agencies
- Capitol Weekly
- Jobs website contains open positions in Sacramento with California State Government.
- Job Listings with Roll Call
- A publication for Congressional news and information on Capitol Hill.
- Public Service Careers
- Job listings and career information for government, npo/ngo, international and other public sector careers.
- USA Jobs
- Official site for federal jobs, maintained by the Office of Personnel Management
Health & Medicine
- One of the largest healthcare only job boards on the web.
- Idealist
- Thousands of searchable listings - do an Advanced Search with "Health and Medicine" Area of Focus and your location.
- PublicHealthJobNet
- The Association of Schools of Public Health national public health job listing service. Most positions require a graduate degree.
- Sutter Health Job Listings
- Job listing database for over 25 healthcare organizations in the Northern California area.
- UC San Francisco
- Positions include research, administrative/managment, clinical & other health care positions.
Law & Public Policy
- California Courts
- Job postings within the judicial branch of California State government, including the Administrative Office of the Courts.
- Idealist
- Thousands of searchable listings in nonprofit, non-governmental and government agencies.
- Job listings target legal professionals, but includes other resources including temporary legal staffing agencies.
- Public Affairs Council
- Job listings in public affairs, mostly in Washington DC.
- Union Jobs Clearinghouse
- Staffing and trades positions in organized labor searchable by state and by union name.
- Foundation Center/Philanthropy News Digest Job Corner
- New jobs added weekly, mostly development positions, but other nonprofit jobs are posted as well. EJob Alert available.
- A project of Action Without Borders, arguably the BEST global clearinghouse of nonprofit resources, including jobs, internships, mailing lists, and nonprofit resources by state and country.
- Opportunity NOCS
- A resource for nonprofit jobs and employment opportunities.
- Provides links to job listing sites of social service agencies, and the option to receive free email updates of new job and employment information for your state
Sciences-Biological & Physical
- Pharma and biotech national job listing site searchable by job category, geographical region, or company
- Chemical & Engineering News Classifieds
- Listings are from the two most recent issues of Chemical & Engineering News and Find A Job! that includes industrial and academic postions.
- ScienceCareers
- Provides a comprehensive database of world-wide positions listed in Science magazine including research positions in industry, government, and academic settings.
- International science jobs database searchable by sector (industry, academic, government) and by discipline (e.g., bioinformatics, virology, environmental science, more).
- The
- Use the Job Seeker Basic Job Search to find biotech jobs, pharmaceutical jobs and life science jobs.